«Beauty is the promise of happiness’, wrote Stendhal, the brilliant man of letters who fell in love with Italy and its charms. When you walk through the doors of the Hôtel Littéraire Stendhal, you enter a world where this promise comes to life. Here, every corner reflects the spirit and refined taste of Stendhal, an author who profoundly influenced French literature.My team and I are delighted to take you on a literary journey that brings together the discovery of this great author and the richness of our local heritage. We look forward to welcoming you».

Florian Duhazé, Director, Hôtel Littéraire Stendhal

41 custom rooms
Wellness area
Manuscripts & original editions
Situation centrale dans Nancy

“Stendhal set my whole adolescence afire. From my very reading I loved the Sanseverina, Madame de Rênal and Madame de Chasteller—passionately and successively, with the same ardour. As for the male characters, although I have always had a soft spot for Count Mosca, my Stendhalian hero will forever be actor Gérard Philippe, who embodies Fabrice del Dongo and Julien Sorel for all eternity. He would have been a truly great Lucien Leuwen if this unfinished novel had been made into a film during his lifetime. It was with this character in mind that we decided to dedicate a Hôtel Littéraire to Lucien Leuwen, in the very town where Stendhal set the first—and in my view most exciting—part of his much neglected masterpiece. It takes considerable audacity or passion to hope to capture in forty-one rooms the essence of a work that spans more than a hundred volumes and tens of thousands of pages. We could not have imagined a finer tribute to the most Italian of French authors than to be paid in our eighteenth-century hôtel standing in the shadow of a great baroque cathedral that would not be out of place in Parma or even Modena.”

Jacques Letertre, President, Société des Hôtels Littéraires

Built in 1609 to house the new Primate of Lorraine, the palace, now transformed into a 4-star hotel, was designed as an extension of Notre-Dame de l’Annonciation cathedral, with which it shares a wall. The hotel is conveniently located in the heart of Nancy’s historic centre, just a 3-minute walk from Place Stanislas and close to the train station and all the shops.

Your Hôtel Littéraire Stendhal room is personalised and distinguished from all others, not by a number, but by the title of a Stendhal novel, a character from his work or a place he visited. Will you be staying at Lucien Leuwen’s, Fabrice del Dongo’s or in Parma? An original Jean Aubertin watercolour revisits the theme of the bedroom, not far from a text that provides anecdotes and quotes, alongside the book resting on your nightstand.

Imbued with the life of Stendhal and his novels, from La Chartreuse de Parme to Lucien Leuwen, interior designer Aleth Prime, who has already orchestrated the design of several of the group’s establishments, chose this time to on the décor of the Hôtel Littéraire Stendhal around two themes: the author’s beloved Italy and his admiration for Napoleon Bonaparte. These themes are interwoven throughout the hotel, from the lobby to the breakfast veranda, in all 41 bedrooms and the upper floor corridors. The contemporary decor is inspired by Italy: marble, dark wood, Marmorino, wallpaper and paint in shades of beige, ochre and olive green. The lighting fixtures feature a range of gold, bronze, black and glass finishes. As with every Hôtel Littéraire, numerous bookcases and display cabinets house hundreds of paperbacks, bibliophile editions and manuscripts penned by the author. Quotes from Stendhal adorn the walls, accompanying visitors as they wander about.

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